Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) Duckett Dam Intake Modifications
Meltech completed this important project for the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) for the T. Howard Duckett Dam – D/S Intake Modifications in Laurel, Maryland. The T. Howard Duckett Dam went into service in 1954 with the primary purpose of providing source drinking water for WSSC Water customers. The T. Howard Duckett Dam spans from the Patuxent River between Prince George’s and Howard counties, it created the Duckett Reservoir (also known as Rocky Gorge). The reservoir holds approximately 5.5 billion gallons of source drinking water to WSSC Water’s Patuxent Water Filtration Plant for treatment. The Patuxent Plant produces approximately 30 percent of the drinking water for WSSC Water customers.
Meltech completed this important project for the intake modifications to the Duckett Dam. The project consisted of providing a new concrete masonry unit (CMU) building at the T. Howard Duckett between the Pony Buttress and Buttress No. 11 with a new roof.
The project also included excavation of soil under existing slab and replacement with flowable fill/stone, core drilling of buttress to provide drainage, and other miscellaneous work.
Short description: Meltech completed this important project for the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) for the T. Howard Duckett Dam – D/S Intake Modifications in Laurel, Maryland. The T. Howard Duckett Dam went into service in 1954 with the primary purpose of providing source drinking water for WSSC Water customers.
Short description: Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) Richard G. Hocevar (RGH) Building Data Center Upgrades Meltech was awarded this task order under our WSSC RGH Data Center Upgrades SATOC. This project was for the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) Richard G. Hocevar (RGH) Building Data Center Upgrades in Laurel, Maryland. The work for this data center renovation […]
Short description: US Army Design Build Renovations at Fort Belvoir Community Care Unit Building 802 at Fort Belvoir, Virginia Meltech was awarded this project to provide all materials, labor, equipment, transportation, and services to complete the design and build and renovation of Building 802. Building 802 is a one plus-story brick facility built in 1977 with approximately […]
Short description: US Army Corps Alterations and Repairs to Building 1495 HAZMAT Facility in Fort Belvoir, Virginia This project was for the design and build-out of historical Building 1495 HAZMAT Facility in Fort Belvoir, Virginia. The work included the removal and replacement of the existing metal sheathing, metal wall panels, the replacement of existing windows and the […]